Sunday, September 13, 2009

A sailboat made of plastic bottles...

Last year I heard mention of a large garbage patch out in the Pacific Ocean. After recovering from the shock and bewilderment, I did some internet research and found that most major oceans contain such a patch. Apparently these patches are formed by the vortexes caused by the swirling ocean currents catching up the floatsom and jetsom.

Just days after finding out about this garbage patch, while sitting in a Chinese restaurant waiting for my take-out and flipping through a magazine, I ran across an article about David de Rothschild and the plastic bottle sailboat he was building and planning to sail across the Pacific ocean from San Francisco to Sydney Austrailia and along the way passing the garbage patch.

Check out the Plastiki's journey here.

Tree Hugger's website photos of the giant Pacific garbage patch.


Unknown said...

This is truly facinating. He's doing a remarkable thing.

dawn said...

I think so too. You should check out the videos on David's website. He's developing all sorts of recycled plastic building materials and natural glues that work as good or better than the traditional toxic ones... And plus he's pretty easy on the eyes ;)

Tanley said...

We need one more blog entry update for the coffee shop you've been working on! Can't wait to see more "finished product" pictures.
I hope they know how lucky they are to have had your help!