Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy New Year!

How can it be possible? It is two months into the new year, and I see that the last post was from last September!!! I have been so remiss in my duties. Well, I will try to remedy my lax ways and keep up with posting better this year! Nothing like starting New Year's resolutions in mid-February!

So, here's what's new with me...

Joe and I have started repainting the inside of the house! And we picked out the prettiest colors... I just love green. And don't you fret, we repainted the ceiling too. We had to take down some pretty awful 80's track lighting and it left a nice dirty halo where it was. Yuck.

Next, I'd like to whitewash the brick fireplace. Despite what this picture looks like, the lighting is a little low in the living room at night and the big dark fireplace makes it look even darker. Besides, I like how whitewashed bricks look.

Here's what's new a the espresso stand:

I f i n a l l y got the permanent menu boards made and put up. Man, that took forever... I meant to have them up within six months of opening, and that was a year ago! Despite the delay, I'm very pleased to have them finished and love how they look.

Over the holidays, my parents helped me get up the new awnings over the windows. Another super delayed project, but again I'm super happy with how they turned out and they work very well.

And just in time for Valentine's Day, I got my red heart lights strung up yesterday.

Happy Love Day everyone!