Sunday, June 22, 2008


just started and it's already flying by! Holy cow. My arms and back are super tan, but the rest of my body is as white as the day I got home from Antarctica... I'm an odd sight in a swimming suite I bet. Though I haven't made it into a suit yet! My friend Chris said he'd teach me how to swim... better (what I do is kinda embarrassing) but he moved himself to Boise and with the price of fuel, there's a slim chance I'll be spending the money to drive down there for the weekend...

Here's a pretty little picture of my lily white legs, one with a few gashes in it from a blonde moment at work.

My garden is going crazy with blooms. And my strawberry plants are loaded with little green strawberries hanging like grapes from them. A few things have gotten eaten by some fuzzy little wildlife that has moved in recently. But I won't be chasing them off because I think they're so dang cute. I hope they don't eat too much.

Here are some of my garden flower pictures for your viewing pleasure:

Unfortunately... sort of... I didn't get the bathroom sheetrocked or the bathtub installed last weekend. It was, after all, Father's Day, and my pops was working on helping me finish insulating the bathroom walls before we seal them up with the sheet rock. Then I skipped out on helping him in the afternoon and made dinner for the fam. We had a delicious dinner of bbq steak and other various tasties. Then we went and planted a pear tree I got him for his special day. My dad is awesome.

That's my bro on the left, Dave, my dad in the middle, David, and my mummer on the right, Mary. It's just like old times... I'll have to put up a picture on here of all of us gardening when I was just knee high.

So, since Dave was over, we had to take advantage of his muscles, and we had him help us carry the new (cast iron) tub into the bathroom. I certainly don't need back problems!

And my parting picture, these are my new roomies...


Brody said...

You don't know what white is. Come visit me as soon as I get off the ice and you'll see what white really is. It is becoming more of a translucent kind of thing :-)

Love the flowers. Miss the flowers. Miss being able to leave a single comment instead of three to finally get the words out right.

Tanley said...

Ahhh! Your horticultural endeavours are looking very lucious indeed.I'm not talking about your leg with the nasty gash in it;-) Ouch! what Happened?!

That little rabbit is so cute. I mean; greeting card cute.

Good to see you are making some headway in your bathroom. It's looking good Dawn!

Your strawberries are a mite bushier than ours though. Dang! Your going to have to make a strawberrie haul over to Bend!

It sounds like you had a really nice time with your Dad on Father's Day. Nice.
The gift you gave was so thoughtful and it will just keep on giving too!

Hope you are doing well Dawny!
Love ya, miss ya!

dawn said...

Brody... You really do need a tanning bed down there huh??? You'll be off the ice in no time at all... and coming home to a beautiful Fall. Maybe you should take a vacation somewhere tropical first....

Tan... I think I'm going to have tons of strawberries if the wasps and the birds don't get to them first like they did last year. I'll have to do some damage control to make sure that doesn't happen....