Saturday, June 7, 2008

Miss Sugar Pumpkin...

is the name of a very sick little kitty I found in the yard of a vacant house in Troy as I was mowing yesterday afternoon. She's a stray kitty, not friendly and not clean... or healthy. She was completely out of it, stumbling around, falling over, and didn't even realize I was right next to her. After calling a Moscow vet and the Troy vet clinic (which is open by appointment only) and calling the Mosocw Police and talking to the Latah County dispatcher, I came to the conclusion that no one cared about this sick little kitty except me.

After finishing up my lawns for the day, I returned to the lawn where I saw her and found her right where I left her, huddled up under the edge of a bush. Of course I didn't have a kitty carrier in my pickup waiting for me to rescue strays all over the country... It's a good thing I don't find sick and injured animals very often... So, I went over to neighbor Ali's house and asked if she had a box I could take the kitty home in. She produced a perfect sized box and an old sheet, which helped a lot in catching the little scamper.

Last night Pumpkin slept in my kitchen in a pet carrier. She ate a tiny bit of food but then proptly passed out in it. At least she made it through the night. I'm hoping that she'll still be kicking by Monday so I can take her to the vet to get her checked out, though if not, at least she's had a luxury hotel to sleep in instead of the rain, cold, and bushes where I found her.

Poor little thing.


Tanley said...

Aw! That kitty is lucky to have you!
How is the little bugger doing today? Good I hope.

Brody said...

You are a sweetheart for taking Miss Sugar Pumpkin in. I love it. Too many people would just walk on by. Smiles for miles.

Tanley said...

Aaahh! I can't stand it! So, how is the little kitty doing?

Mavis said...

oh my goodness, you are so cute. it's nice to know there are people like you in the world. you make up for people like me. :)

Tanley said...

How'd the sheet rocking and dry walling go?


dawn said...

Pumpkin is still kicking. She sure is a picky eatter and only likes to drink tuna water... Which means I've been eatting a lot of tuna salad on crackers.

Sheetrocking is probably going to happen tomorrow... Pictures to come!