I need to get a handle on this new format that blogger has. I'm all over the place.... So here's what's going on with the coffee house. I'm working on a logo, which will be a decorative font I'm going to hand draw. I know what I have right now is a little girly. I just have a hard time denying my nature. I took the monogram that is inlaid into the entrance tile (see the images below) and copied some of the features of the letters so that they might close to the same font used when the building was built. I know my lettering is much more loose and loopy. I need to cut down the loops a little bit, and add a little bit of manliness to it. According to Joe, the only people that will be frequenting my coffee house will be women if I leave the logo like that... We'll see.
So, this was the monogram for the Commercial Trust Company Bank (CTCo). All this tile work was done when the building was constructed in 1905. Too bad that work like this is no longer done. Where have all the craftsmen gone?
Mosaic designs out off the sidewalk to the entrance stairs...
The gigantic round glass window. It's soooo cool. I'm not sure why, it just is. And beautiful marble wainscoting too.
Refinished wood floors, ceiling patched and painted copper.
My mom and I have been refinishing the wood on a couple of old couches and they're getting re-upholstered in really sweet fabric. Just wait, it's going to knock your socks off.
Ugh, I'm going to have to fiddle around with the knobs on this new blog format... I can't get my text in where I want it! It'll look better next time... but no promises.