I thought I'd let you all in on my newest project. Of course it's something here at my espresso stand...
I have a foundation behind the espresso stand that has four octagonal cement pads in it. My landlord gave me permission to turn this into a sitting area! So exciting... :)
Since the cement pads are octagon shaped, I thought it would be fun to have an octagon picnic table for them... I found this one on Craigslist, and it's even in Moscow! How lucky is that??? I'm not sure I can quite afford this one, but the guy who made it said he'd be happy to make me another one anytime. Pretty convenient. I'm hoping to get a couple of these eventually.
And to top off such a good start to my sitting area, I've been able to find quite a few free bricks around the area! I'm still looking for lots more since it's such a large area to fill. Let me know if you know anyone around this area that has old/used bricks or pavers that they'd like to get rid of. I'd be happy to take them off their hands!