Sunday, February 27, 2011

Looking forward to spring...

... even though it's dumping snow outside...

My aunt and uncle in Virginia sent this to me in a Christmas present this year.

Funny enough, a girl I went to college with, designed this seed packet for a little company out in Troy, Idaho a year or two after we graduated. I remember her telling me about it and how she won some sort of design award for it. It has different flower seeds in each of the little containers and it's set up to look like a little make-up kit. I'm very excited about the flowers.

Today as a birthday present to myself, when I get off of work, I'm going home and starting a bunch of seeds.

I've been saving loads of milk jugs at the espresso stand to make little green houses out of them to start grow my little seedlings in... So exciting! :)

Even my Angel Wing Begonia knows that spring has to be just around the corner. It's starting to flower again after dropping leaves all winter!

And as a special treat for everyone...

...a post with actual photos from today. Unheard of, I know!

It's amazing what one can do with a scrap piece of aluminum and a rope light. This cost me $24 and some blood. A neon outdoor "open" sign would cost me $375... You do the math.

Jezebel is helping show off my new "open" sign. This is what it looks like during the day with kitties.

This is what it looks like at night with kitties.

Right on schedule...

Time to post Christmas photos :)

Over the river and through the woods, to grandmother's house we go.

Don't Grandma Dotty have a splendid barn? And it's chock-full of really cool antiques.

Christmas dinner. Main course, green pine scented candle.

And these are some old wooden Christmas ornaments my grandma hand painted many a year ago.

She made me and my brother one of these sleds too. I have it somewhere in an ornament box...