Here's some pics of the time between now and the last time I was here.
This is the little corner of the raised vegetable garden bed that Christopher made for me. It's going to take a lot of dirt to fill this thing in...
Here it is after a little bit of sunshine and water.
My strawberries kinda pooped out this summer and I sorta let them down too. I didn't fertilize them and then I let the raccoons ravage them... but luckily the raspberries are taking up the slack. So far I've made five batches of jam and I have about two batches of berries waiting for me in the fridge and it's time to pick again!
You might be wondering who this Christopher is... This is Christopher.
Christopher lives in the beautiful place of Jackson Hole, well near it anyway, with the Tetons in his back yard, literally. I'm trying to figure out how to move myself down there with my Airstream/espresso stand. It sure would be handy to bring an income with me.
Christopher's new hobby is paragliding... He's trying to talk me into giving it a go.
Did you all know that I'm an aunt again?
Here's the newest little darling, introducing Rebbecca Cloe. Well you can't really see her, but you don't get to see pictures of me very often, so I thought I'd throw another one in.
Here's some spring flower pictures from my place.
...and here's some pictures from Yellowstone from last month when Christopher and I took a day drive over to see Old Faithful and some buffalo.
And here is a disturbingly graphic sign to keep parents on their toes...