I know it's been a long dry summer for my blog. I apologize. I will try to rectify this over the following months and change my ways.
Here's what I've been up to lately...
I've been online dating. Shocking I know, but I thought I'd give it a go and see who I meet. I've met some very nice guys, but unfortunately I haven't encountered a bonfire that's consumed me yet. Or maybe that's fortunate? I don't know.
I've found that it does take a lot of time and energy and I've considered discontinuing as soon as my paid for month is up. And I think that will be in just days.
I went up to Sandpoint a few weekends ago to meet up with a friend for some camping and hiking. Unfortunately it rained on us all weekend, though fortunately the cloud cover kept the air temperature fairly warm. I think we missed the brilliant colors of fall by a couple of weeks, but we got to see the beginnings of it.
Besides meeting new guys and trying to decide what part they are going to play in my future, I've been hanging out at home with Pumpkin. She is doing fantastic. She's made herself right at home in my little abode and has even become a bit territorial over it. She has taken to watching life outside of the windows and if she happens to see any of my outdoor cats through the windows she bristles up all over and slams herself up against the window or sliding glass door. Of course I go over to try to calm her down and she acts sweet and innocent as if nothing happened. This is my little Pumpkin Pie reluctantly posing for a photo.
I've also been working pretty hard on my bathroom remodel project. It's been ongoing since February... I think I'm nearing the final product... I've gotten the ceiling painted just last night and this evening I'll be painting the walls with a dark blue glaze. The plaster that I just finished texturing the walls with wasn't a color that I was excited about so I'm going to augment it with blue... I'll post pictures of it when it's in it's finished glory. Everyone will be clamoring to use my restroom when they take a gander at that picture...
And since I didn't get this lovely picture posted in a more timely manner... and I just couldn't keep you in the dark about my culinary expertise... Behold, the salmon burger on a bed of spinach, topped with sweet pickled red onions and a cilantro cream sauce.
Take a look at the color and composition of that plate... astounding... and it was delicious too.